Sunday, 12 December 2010

Institutional Logo reserach and my created Institutional Logos

Examples of Institutional logos in current horror films. These institutional logos appear at the beggining of the trailers and iv noticed this is a conventional feature of trailers overall. therefore i will place my logos at the begining of my trailer either at the start or after the first scene.

Logos i produced

As a group we all decided to make our own institutional logos for the trailer and then come together, showing what we have produced. this was a very good technique in making the logos becuase it meant we would have a wide variety to choose from. These images posted here origanl images i found that i belived would look good for an institutional logo design.

 I used these images and from them made around 20 logos all with diffrent typefaces and names. I did this to ensure a wide variety of logos, having more of a choice would be benificial for the group as a whole in order to make the institutional logo stand out and be the best it could be. Below are the diffrent kinds of logos i have created.

 Printscreens of process

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