Thursday, 30 December 2010

Changes from draft to final

Overall i made 5 drafts
Before the drafts was a rough edit.
The first draft was what me and another group member worked on together
The second draft was my own, i had added one bit of diagetic sound and this draft did not have a party scene to start it. i wanted to see what it was like without it.
The 3rd draft i produced was to ensure i chose the right sound. in this draft i tested out a previous sound which i found in research and decided this didnt go as well as the one i origanally chosen.

My forth drafted trailer has a party scene and also has the same music as drafts 1 and 2.
However these drafts needed diagetic sounds to go in throughout the trailer. i initially thought my 4th draft was going to be my final, so after what i thought was going to be my final, i strarted working on a new video which combineded all the filming and was a 'blooper/outtake type video, from that i realised i wanted diagetic sound in my trailer as it would be more effective. i then went on to put in all the diagetic sounds from my orignal clips. I did this simply by using movie maker. I didnt want to use previously recorded sound effects from a website becuase some sounded cheesy or didnt fit well with the clip.

My fifth draft of my trailer then had the party scenes and added diagetic sounds throughtout, which are not in my drafts. However i soon found out that the music at the start of the trailer (for the party scene) i could not use due to copyright, it was an actual song and this is one of the problems i faced. if this was a real trailer with a large budget, i would be able to use this,but its not, therefore i have to change the music at the start. i also noticed that some of my diagetic sound was not in parallel to the shot, so i have to redo this to make sure the shots match the sound. i will be changing the party music to the other sound i used in my sound research (the typical party beat).

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